Supporters of Bold Initiatives
Seaguth supports the folks searching to fulfill their destiny, their purpose. Whether it’s on the playing field, in the board room, at the computer console, in the river, on the lateral moraine, or those walking in the rain, these are individuals looking to live life to its fullest, stewards of the sublime, advocates of accomplishment. We honor and amplify the ambitions, dreams, and ideals of those striving for success in whatever they pursue. Seaguth is aligned with all who find empowerment in the outdoors, build community, give back, and revere Mother Earth.

Our Roots
Seaguth's founder is a beverage industry veteran and Ironman athlete who discovered the power of adaptogens while studying at the California School of Herbal Studies. This inspired a clear mission to create a ready-to-drink beverage that would bring the benefits of adaptogens to those aligned with the power of nature.
After years of experimentation, working for international coffee and tea companies as well as teaching about adaptogens, he launched Seaguth in 2021 to help people thrive in vibrant health. The brand is committed to using only natural, sustainably-sourced ingredients to bring the ancient gifts of Mother Earth to people everywhere.
Seaguth is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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